Transparency information

Generation Restoration e.V. is a registered non-profit organization based in Munich, Germany and founded on 19.09.2023.
- Name, registered office, address and year of foundation
Generation Wiederherstellung e.V.
c/o Impact Hub München
Gotzinger Str. 8
D – 81371 Munich
Year of foundation: 2023
Vorstand: Celia Schiller, Tina Teucher
Questions on behalf of this website:
- Complete statutes and information on the objectives of our organization
- Donations are tax deductible – Generation Restoration e.V. is tax-privileged
Compliance with the statutory requirements according to §§ 51, 59, 60 and 61 AO was separately determined by the Munich tax office StNr. 14/216/01376 K45 with notification dated 14 March 2024 according to § 60a AO.
We promote according to our statutes:
(i) Promotion of science and research (§ 52 para. 2 sentence 1 no.(n) 1 AO).
(ii) Promotion of public health and public health care (§ 52 para. 2 sentence 1 no. (n) 3 AO)
(iii) Promotion of nature conservation and landscape conservation, environmental protection including climate protection (§ 52 para. 2 sentence 1 no. (n) 8 AO)
(iv) Promotion of aid for refugees (§ 52 para. 2 sentence 1 no. (n) 10 AO).
(v) Promotion of international sentiment, tolerance in all areas of culture and the idea of international understanding (§ 52 para. 2 sentence 1 no.(n) 13 AO)
(vi) Promotion of development co-operation (§ 52 para. 2 sentence 1 no. (n) 15 AO)
(vii) Promotion of civic engagement in favour of charitable purposes (§ 52 para. 2 sentence 1 no.(n) 25 AO)
- Board of Generation Restoration e.V.:
Tina Teucher (CEO / Chairwoman)
Celia Schiller (Deputy Chairwoman of the Board)