Peruth Mutesi talking about Permaculture with Refugees in Uganda and raising their resilience by mushroom farming

How Regenerative Business Strengthens Refugee Resilience in Camps

To strengthen refugee resilience, Generation Restoration organised an event on 26th May 2023 that highlighted the power of regenerative business.

Regenerative solutions such as permaculture and ecosystem restoration have great potential to improve the livelihoods of millions of people worldwide. Displaced people can benefit from regenerative practices such as agroforestry, which at the same time contribute to most of the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): For example, they reduce hunger and poverty, provide women and young people with quality education, strengthen biodiversity, store carbon in the soil and thus protect the climate, and much more.

The event presented positive examples of existing knowledge and experience. At the same time, it discussed the obstacles to the widespread dissemination of these solutions.

Bemeriki Bisimwa Dusabe gives a talk to an audience for Tina Teucher's initiative Generation Restoration in Berlin

Bemeriki Bisimwa Dusabe is the founder of the Rwamwanja Rural Foundation in Uganda and spoke at the event about the power of permaculture.

Refugee Resilience in Uganda

In a keynote, Bemeriki Bisimwa Dusabe, serial social entrepreneur from Uganda, founder of the Rwamwanja Rural Foundation and Lush Spring Prize nominee 2023, and Peruth Mutesi, member of the Rwamwanja Rural Foundation, inspired the audience. They spoke about building resilience in refugees through regenerative economy and agriculture in refugee settlements through the power of permaculture. In her presentation, Tina Teucher vividly showed how projects around the world are contributing to all 17 SDGs simultaneously through their work to restore ecosystems with refugees.

Peruth Mutesi speaks to Generation Restoration audience about permaculture in refugee camps
Peruth Mutesi from the Rwamwanja Rural Foundation wowed the audience with her keynote on building resilience through regenerative economy and agriculture in refugee settlements.
GenR founder Tina Teucher introduces the online foundation of Generation Restoration at bcause
Tina Teucher introduces “bcause”, the innovative tool for online foundations that Generation Restoration utilises.
Together, the participants discussed how the potential for regenerative economy, financing, impact investment and development cooperation can be tapped. And what opportunities there are to become active:

5 Ideas: Getting Active in the Generation Restoration

1. Become a Member

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The best ideas come from exchange. Support Generation Restoration with your knowledge and network on the topics:

  • Policies
  • Funding
  • Impact investment
  • Development cooperation

3. Volunteer

Participate with your Know-How and Experience:
  • Organisation of further events
  • Science working group on guidelines for NGOs and UN-agencies
  • Field research, measuring, development of measuring standards
  • Investor relations

4. Financial Support

Donate to Generation Restoration through the online foundation at bcause.

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Partners of the Event

Partners of the event were B.A.U.M. e.V., forum Nachhaltig Wirtschaften, NOW partners, Ecosystem Restoration Communities, Re-Alliance, Regenerosity. The event was part of the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration (2021-2030). #GenerationRestoration

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