Unidos Soziale Innovation Centre
Turning refugees into change makers – that is the goal of the Unidos Social Innovation Centre. In the Nakivale Refugee Settlement in South West Uganda the refugee-led organisation aims at empowering young refugees with entrepreneurial skills. 44 % of young Nakivale refugees unemployed and underserved It is becoming increasingly important to empower refugees as external support decreases. The World Food Programme (WFP) progressively reduced food rations for refugee settlements in South-West Uganda to 40% in 2021 (compared to 2019). According to Unidos, the ongoing drought is further exacerbating the consequences by decreasing the refugees’ own harvests. That’s why the organisation’ founders decided to re-write their own story: By inclusive education and the dissemination of entrepreneurial skills they aim at establishing food security in their refugee settlement. Through the application of permaculture these determined refugees do not only regenerate soil and ecological environment but also their own lives and the community.